
SOFTEN is a carefully designed and curated 11-MONTH EXPERIENCE intended to give you the sacred space, guidance, wisdom, sisterhood and love to explore your unique inner journey of softening.

Our journey begins with deep inner masculine work, an 8-week offering called HONORING YOUR INNER KING.  It is not until and unless we are able to see, feel, know and exalt this inner masculine part of us that we then have an awareness and resource to explore and access the fullness of our feminine; the fullness of our hearts. This first step of our journey will change you from the inside, out.

Once we have exalted our inner masculine, we continue our journey of softening with a sisterhood circle to deepen in for 12 weeks as we explore “THE VOW” that has the potential to change your lens and your life in deeply transformational ways.  This circle is an invitation to expand your awareness about polarity and partnership versus relationship. It will give you a deeper connection to sacred union (both within, and without), and a clear lens for seeing both the feminine and masculine in new ways.

“Why would I want to be touched by anything less than the love I give?”

All vow takers move together to another 12 week circle called “EMBODY” where we practice, share and live this deeper truth. Being witnessed by other women on a similar path is one of the most powerful bits of medicine that we can access.  Sitting in circle over time gives the space a unique texture with many, many layers that provide a level of seeing and trust that is essential to accessing the depths of this journey into yourself. The mirrors will be clear and the wisdom will inspire life changing awareness. This love of this sisterhood will fill your heart.

“If you want the moon, do not hide from the night.
If you want a rose, do not run from the thorns, if you want love do not hide from yourself.”

We take a small break from our virtual circles to meet in person for the next step of this journey.  You will be called to meet me for a pilgrimage to the South of France, to a sacred spot called Sainte Baume where the cave and mountain top chapel of Mary Magdalene can be found.  For this “MARY MAGDALENE PILGRIMAGE” I will host you there for four nights and guide you every holy step of the way.

“Being human is purpose, it’s your Soul’s chance to be here.”

Our eleven month journey ends with a final 12-week sisterhood circle called “OPEN.” We will arrive here feeling solid in our deep inner holding, having taken a sacred vow, and knowing that we are embodying the practice of softening, of coming into our hearts. This circle is an invitation to open, open, open…into deeper love - to be the love that we are.

“Let the beauty we love be what we do.
There are hundreds of ways to kneel and kiss the ground.”