
honoring your inner

“Until and unless we exalt our inner masculine, we can never birth the fullness of our feminine, the fullness of our Shakti." - Erica Jade

As Within, So Without

Join me for a deep exploration of your inner masculine. Together we will dive into ourselves to discover, erect, exalt and celebrate our inner masculine so that we may know him, balance him and celebrate him. This work is not for every woman, it requires courage and a great amount of softening. Our intention is to honor the axiom “as within, so without.” This is a path and journey for the curious. We will explore polarity, defining the collective masculine and the masculine within, and integrating and initiating an internal balance to shift our thinking and alignment - this is powerful work and it will change your life.

“The work I have done with Pat has benefitted my life in countless ways.  One of the biggest things she has helped me find is ME.  The King work I did with her last fall, during the pandemic, during a time when both of us were riding the waves of loss or pending loss, she helped me soften my heart and find my inner strength, light, and peace. Pat is truly an amazing woman who dedicates her life to empowering other women, whom she calls sisters.  
I am proud to be one of her sisters in the circle.  I highly honor and respect Pat.  She is a Hell Yes in my life.” - Roberta

About This Journey…

This offering is not for every woman, and it is not intended to be for every woman.

This is for the women who want to soften. This is for the women who are tired of carrying the heaviness by themselves.

This is for the women who realize that in order to better align with mortal masculinity outside of themselves,
they must become intimately familiar with the masculine that exists within.

This conversation requires choosing, and courage; your King will rise.

And it will require your whole heart, and grace as the softest parts of you hold him close.

Together We Will…

  • Explore the definition, power and magic of polarity

  • Define masculine and feminine essence

  • Explore feminine embodiment practices

  • Explore masculine embodiment practices

  • Extract our inner masculine: dance, play, and celebrate

  • Identify our inner masculine; define him

  • Explore healthy provisions and create honoring rituals

  • Tap into masculine shadow work

  • Begin to heal our inner masculine

  • Drop our armor

  • Practice giving and receiving

  • Outline our masculine alignment/blueprint

  • Exalt, exalt, exalt

  • Practice powerful polarity mastery

  • Fall in-love with ourselves in a brand-new way

  • Feel powerful and brand-new

  • Be confident in future discernment

“The separation of feminine and masculine has torn us into pieces.
The balance of feminine and masculine will bring us back to peace.”

this journey is in two parts

This offering is structured in two parts, the first 30-days will include deep discussion and personal discovery, the second 30-days includes continued discussion and practical embodiment practices to deepen the work and integrate it into your system and life.

Our 4 Themes + Guiding Questions

FIRST THEME: “Exploring Sacred Polarity”

In order to do justice to raising our inner masculine we must first explore the idea of polarity: yin and yang, feminine and masculine, Shiva and Shakti. And in order to do this I’m inviting you to begin to discover yourself with new awareness around these two essences, powers, energies and parts.


This week we will explore our personal relationship with the masculine: both within us and outside of us. We will hold close the Universal Law of “As within, so without,” to guide us because our inner landscape informs everything, everything outside of us. This is our starting place, our foundation for identifying “the masculine” universally and our masculine both internally and in mortal form. Your absolute courage, integrity and vulnerability will be required this week, and honored with grace.

third THEME: “who is your king”

We’ve explored the importance of polarity, we’ve gained clarity around the Sacred Masculine, and our inner masculine, and we’ve begun to embrace and embody our masculine essence. This week is devoted to our current inner masculine, and to raising him to King status.

fourth THEME: “creating balance + sacred union”

We’ve explored polarity, acknowledged our relationship to the masculine, embraced our inner masculine and started to define, connect with and exalt our inner masculine and call in a truer representation (reflection) of this mortal masculine outside of us, we’ve raised our King and we are beginning to honor him for all of the provisions he provides us…all of this leading us to balance. Creating balance is our work this week and our forever work in the weeks to come. In order to find and create this balance we must attune to both feminine and masculine provisions, master them and choreograph the dance they will participate in. This is intimate work, each balance is unique and self-serving, it is your personal alchemy.

  • 4 Weekly 90-Minute LIVE ZOOM calls for small group guidance, seeing, discussion + sharing

  • 8 Weekly LIVE ZOOM calls for deep healing + embodiment practices

  • Weekly 30-minute ONE-ON-ONE HEART-TO-HEART SUPPORT CALLS with Patricia


  • Weekly readings, hand-outs, practices and invitations for exploration and discussion (RESOURCE LIBRARY)

  • Lifetime access to our private SACRED TEMPLE SPACE

  • Lifetime access to our private SOCIAL SPACES for community + sisterhood

  • Lifetime access to our SECRET SPOTIFY PLAYLIST

  • ACCOUNTABILITY PARTNER to hold you accountable to the work

Offering Details


This work has gifted me an inner seeing that has changed my life
It is powerful, brave and important work and I’m proud of myself for doing it.