embody is an intimate invitation to all graduates of the “Honoring Your Inner King” program AND the “The Vow” circle to deepen in and practice integrating the wisdom, lessons and practices (embodying) of Alison Armstrong’s
“The Queen’s Code.”


Pre-requisite for Joining this Circle:

  • Must be a graduate of HONORING YOUR INNER KING”

  • Must have attended the 12-Week “THE VOW” Circle

  • Must have taken the vow in “The Queen’s Code”

  • Must have your own detailed notes in booklet or journal format of wisdom from “The Queen’s Code”
    which you reference + practice from regularly

Our 12 Themes + Guiding Questions

WEEK ONE: Knights, Princes + Kings

Explore Alison’s definition of these three types of men. What resonance is there for how these men have shown up for you in your life? How does this clarity or lens give you better awareness for interacting with men?

WEEK TWO: Frog Farming

Contemplate the idea of Frog Farming as it applies to your life. Are you still a '“Frog Farmer?” How has this wisdom changed how you see and interact with men in partnership? Overall?

WEEK THREE: Single Focus v Diffused Focus

Men and women have different brains and these brains function in different ways; we will explore how this awareness has give us a different lens for seeing men and partnering with them.


At the surface The Vow seems simple and easy; but as we deepen in we realize how nuanced and complex it is. This week we will keep a journal and careful eye to be sure our vow is in tact, and we will have an open discussion regarding this high practice and devotional practice.

WEEK FIVE: Safe Men v Dangerous Men

Upon study of “The Queen’s Code” it becomes evident that this lens is for applying to “safe” men. This gives us an opening to explore our discernment and begin to create new awareness about “dangerous” men and our boundaries with them. What is “dangerous” for each of us?

WEEK SIX: Receiving + Being Generous with Points

The practice of receiving is a life-long one; we will explore how our new awareness and Armstrong’s book has given us more space to receive as well as how generous we are with “the points.”

“I think I deserve something beautiful.”

WEEK SEVEN: Listening to Learn

We now know that it’s not about agreeing or disagreeing, and we understand better what factors contribute to a man’s opinion; using this wisdom we will deepen into the beautiful practice of listening to learn.

“This circle is precious time with sisters I love.”

WEEK NINE: Permission + Appointment Making

Taking nothing for granted, honoring the single focus and time of men,
and being in devotion, it is wise to ask permission and make appointments.
This week we will discuss the practical aspect of this wisdom.

WEEK EIGHT: Hero Language

These five words and the actions that complement them are our guiding practices in these teachings. We will discuss the words and actions and deepen in together as we LIVE the practice.

WEEK TEN: Sexy Talk - Intimacy in Partnership

To be better partners we must understand each other, to understand each other we must communicate effectively. Often times the simplest information is lost because we don’t have the questions…not anymore! Thanks to Alison we have the questions and this week we will deepen in together.

WEEK ELEVEN: Helping v Saving - The Benefits of Needing

Learning that needing expands us: in vulnerability and in physical space is important. This week we will discuss the concept of needing in partnership and how to effectively ask for what we need as well as understanding the needs of the partnership and men.

WEEK TWELVE: Partnership v Relationship

To be better partners we must go beyond relating; to create and live in partnership is a wise endeavor and a devotional practice. Our final topic takes us beyond sacred union…to devoted partners.

Offering Details

  • 12 Weekly LIVE 90-Minute Group ZOOM SESSIONS

  • “Hot Seat” Coaching, Embodiment, Integration + LIVE PRACTICES

  • RESOURCES for Self Integration

  • Lifetime Access to our Private SACRED TEMPLE SPACE

  • Lifetime Access to our Private SOCIAL SPACES for Community + Sisterhood

  • Option to Add 6 Weekly Friday 30-MINUTE ONE-ON-ONE CALLS

There is a Pay-In-Full + Pay-By-Month Option

“Walk as if your feet are kissing the earth.”