
This final invitation, of our soften journey, is the ultimate one: we will explore your open: your unique eros, love, acceptance, compassion…and we will push (gently) past your limitations to see if you can accept an open beyond what you can imagine is possible for you this is the magic and power of the heart.

Pre-requisite for Joining this Circle:

  • Must be a graduate of “HONORING YOUR INNER KING”

  • Must have attended the 12-Week “THE VOW” Circle

  • Must have attended the 12-Week “EMBODY” Circle

  • Must have your own sacred daily practices for softening + coming into your center

Our 12 Themes + Guiding Questions

week one: your open + heart

We will spend the first week exploring our unique definition and energy of open/opening. We will drop deeply into our hearts this week to begin our journey of opening together.

week two: love + fear

Becoming intimate with your capacity to hold discomfort of all kinds in your nervous system and transmute this into love (an opening) will be the focus of this week.

week three: setting an intention

Being intentional with our desire to open is incredibly powerful and an important part of the sacred practice of dropping into this energy. This week we will set our intentions and light them on fire; they will become our mantras for the rest of our journey together.

week four: permission + parameters

With our unique definition of open and our deep intentional desire to take action, we will feel called to set the permission and parameters for this opening: to feel safe, to set boundaries, and to create the space for deep, deep, wide open expansion.

week five: open + love as living art

How do you become the unique definition of your open in embodied energy that might exist in beauty, creation, art…devotion. Are you able to open to this and be the full expression?

week six: radical acceptance

Many times what our heart is called upon to transmute is dark and dense; both within and without. This week we will sit with all of this and resource the unique tools within us to find an even deeper capacity to open. Forgiveness, grace, humility, surrender…these will be some of the tools we will discuss.

week seven: opening to god

No matter who or what you call it, we will explore our ideas of “GOD” this week, and find absolute curiosity in the expansive spectrum of faiths and beliefs drawing on the common theme of love which is the common thread that sews us all together. Can you open to this in an ultimate and universal way?

“You will never, ever reach your full potential if you don’t open your heart.”

week eight: eros + sensuality

If there is a “God” part of us, is it this part that we can resource or tap into or touch within our eros, and does this create our sensuality?
How do these energies co-exist/co-create both within and without. We will touch on enchantment this week as a by-product of this contemplation.

week nine: deida’s three stages of love

This week we explore David Deida’s “Three Stages of Love,” applying our open to each one with practical examples.

week ten: yearning + desire

This week we focus on the feminine gifts of yearning and desire and we contemplate ways we can apply these gifts to our unique frequency of opening.

week eleven: conflict + being a rebel

This week we take inventory of the conflict (in the world and in each sister’s energy field) and hold space for how easy it is to respond with like energy, offering (opening with) compassion to those who do. Transmuting every bit of darkness into love. We take another vow to be the “rebel” and love boldly, especially in places where love does not exist.

week twelve: staying open

We end our circle and this softening journey with a celebration of our openness, a look back at where we started, and a solid idea of what exact things we need to do, be, have, need…both within and without,
to stay open.

Offering Details

  • 12 Weekly LIVE 90-Minute Group ZOOM SESSIONS

  • “Hot Seat” Coaching, Embodiment, Integration + LIVE PRACTICES

  • RESOURCES for Self Integration

  • Lifetime Access to our Private SACRED TEMPLE SPACE

  • Lifetime Access to our Private SOCIAL SPACES for Community + Sisterhood

  • Option to Add 6 Weekly Friday 30-MINUTE ONE-ON-ONE CALLS


Your heart knows all the answers, put your attention there.