Thyroid Cancer: My Newest Teacher

As some of you know I’m living with the teacher of cancer at the moment which seems unbelievable after witnessing the painful journey of my sister Liz whom we lost a few years ago, and adding a new witnessing of my middle sister Carolyn with her own current journey too.

I feel inspired, like I always do, to share my life, lessons, healing and wisdom/teachings in real time with all of you and today is no exception.

There is a potency to this that is exquisite.

This teacher is teaching me what real faith, surrender and trust is: not the kind you just say, but the kind you have a deep, deep belief in. It is in my faith, trust and surrender that I am finding the deepest peace.

I will be an inspirational example of the courage it takes to have full faith and trust in Spirit, surrendering to the knowing that I am always guided and always okay.

This teacher is teaching me about relevance as I watch my lens change and I allow things to fall away that suddenly feel irrelevant, and as I take inventory of these things I have a great appreciation for what is left.

I am grateful for the razor sharp clarity this new place is bringing me to about what matters in life; and I’m grateful to have these things that matter all around me.

This teacher is teaching me about unconditional love as I allow the anger towards my body to fade away, and as I fall into the arms of my new man who promises that he is here for me no matter what.

I have unconditional love for myself and my body; I am wide open and receiving of unconditional love around me and it is flowing to me in abundance.

Everything is a teacher if we allow it to be, everything. As a Bhakti yogi this is my daily practice; recognizing and thanking the teachers in my life. To thank these teachers is a high practice, one I strive to be in devotion to.

My next surgery is on June 1st, just after my 51st birthday and I have a follow-up treatment after this; the prognosis is good and I am hopeful that I will jump these next hurdles with lots of grace and big healing.

I’m making a few gentle shifts in my work that I want you to know about in case they resonate. I’ll be taking a small break for May and June from my group programs to focus on smaller circles, one-on-one clients and individual projects that I can do while I’m healing.

I have a deep, deep desire to connect more intimately during this time.

I’m creating something very special which I am really proud of that I will share with all of you on May 1st. (Hint, Hint: It is a gifted members only space with tons of monthly goodness that you will have full access to all the time, and forever.)

I’m looking for private one-on-one clients (on-going and single sessions), and I’m also taking a handful of special virtual assistant, branding/PR/marketing and web design/brand design and/or content creation projects for May and June. If you have a project, please send a reply to this note.

I’m also offering curated one-on-one Paris visits from May through September (only five single weeks) where you set the budget and I curate the perfect week in Paris just for you. (The dates are listed in the link above.)

I’m also hoping to make a very special pilgrimage back to Mary’s Cave in the South of France in September and I’m hoping seven women will join me for this incredibly sacred and once-in-a-lifetime experience.

So many beautiful things to look forward to in the coming months!

I hope that you will stay close, it means a lot to me that you are on my list. I hope that you will reach out if there is a way we can spend intimate time together in the coming months, or if you have a special project that needs my help, but mostly I’m hoping to squeeze you in person soon…whether it be in Paris or at the foot of Mary’s cave…what a dream that would be!

I love you very much.





In My Body