10 Steps to a Hell Yes Life

May Pamintuan via Unsplash

I started making this list a long time ago, kind of unofficially.  I was beginning to notice the exact things that were causing a shift in my life and this list is the outcome.  I feel passionately that this list holds the recipe to living a "Hell Yes Life," a Hell Yes life is one with very little negative compromise, it's one where intuition is a guiding force and your heart leads.  Are you looking for help to make a shift?  Try these things:

1.    Let go.
Some people stay here for a lifetime.  We hold on and on and on - forever.  We hold onto shoulds, to jobs, to relationships, to friendships, to money, to old stories, to weight, to habits...and the list goes on and on.  The first step to making any shift, to healing, to growing, to moving on...is letting go.  Surrender.  It means you let go of any expectations, you let go of fantasies, you let go of security, you let go of history...all of it.  You let go.

2.    Break open.
Once you let go you begin this deep practice of surrendering and as you surrender into the letting go you begin to open up, and in this you get so open that you are broken open and completely exposed.  In this breaking open you can find so many things: humility, sadness, peace, anger, abundance, lack...it's important to stay here wide open and listen for a bit.  And right when it starts to feel okay being wide open is the time to ASK for help.  First we let go, then we surrender, then we open up and then we ask for help.  You cannot go onto the next steps until you get here.  Until you are on your knees, feeling completely open, surrendering and asking for answers.

3.    Expect magic.
The answers come, and if you've spent some solid time on the first two steps the answers come in incredibly magical ways.  This happens because you are literally in a brand-new place.  You've let go, you've surrendered, you've broken yourself wide open and you've asked for help...it's a new you.  When you put the new you out there magic will happen.  And Step 3 is to get into a place of EXPECTING the magic to happen.  Now I'm here to tell you it never gets to the point where I'm not surprised by the magic that comes...because it is so huge and so delicious sometimes that I'm in awe of it...but I focus on expecting it.  When you expect something it gets you into vibrational alignment with it, and then it comes.  Simple science.

4.    Trust.
Somehow, someway as we get older we begin to trust less and less.  Instead we question things, we get in our own way, we cause blocks and summon negative energy with negative thoughts.  This next step is all about trusting.  Having faith in the plan, knowing things will always work out, trusting the Universe or whatever divine or energetic forces you believe in.  If you don't trust, then you likely won't shift and your life will not be a Hell Yes one.

5.    Feel excited.
How we FEEL is everything, everything.  If you focus on feeling excited, you will be excited and excited, happy, positive energy will flow to you.  If you find yourself far away from feeling excited, find a way, any way, to get back to it.  

6.    Forget the how.
It is not our job to figure out "how."  This is part of trusting and letting go/surrendering.  We must let go of how things are going to happen.  Aside from the obvious reasons why focusing on how can be a hindrance, our focus on how is limiting.  Because remember Step 3 is to expect magic, the kind of magic that leaves you in awe...so the list of "how" cannot possibly be our job...if it was we might miss some things.  The "how" happens with the magic, it just does.  Trust this.

7.    Mind your thoughts.
I wonder when the last time was that you caught yourself thinking, and when you did, what did you hear?  Mindfulness, meditation, yoga, sitting still, minding your internal dialogue...these are all things that relate to Step 7.  When you are in a wide open place and you've asked for help and you are expecting magic and then you catch yourself thinking a negative thought, you know that that thought will interrupt the plan.  When we begin to listen we find answers, we can redirect, and we can begin to be intentional about our thoughts to get where we want to be.

8.    Smile.
It is impossible to be unhappy when you are smiling.  And, it is contagious, a smile.  Try smiling when you are cranky or when something doesn't go your way.  Just try it and see what happens.

9.    Breathe.
This one sounds cliche but it's true.  Sometimes we move so fast or we keep moving and we forget that we have a simple mechanism to help us push pause, to reset, and to even cool down: this happens with our breath.  Deep breaths cause pause and reset.  Noticed breaths cause peace.  Learn to use your breath, and breathe.

10.  Patience.
Finally, patience.  Shifts, change, healing, growth...a Hell Yes Life, will not come fast, it will not come overnight, and it will not come without some work and these steps.  It will take you being patient in the end, but it will be well worth the wait.


Do This and Change Your Life


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