Do This and Change Your Life

Cathryn Lavery via Unsplash

Anyone can plot a course with a map or compass; but without a sense or who you are, you will never know if you’re already home.
— Shannon Alder

There are so many things you can do that will "change your life," but everything stems from this one thing, everything.  Yet, it is the one thing that most people don't do.  And, they don't do it because it's HARD!  It's a practice actually, a daily, minute-to-minute, every second counts, practice.

Listening to your inner voice, or minding your internal dialogue can be life changing.  When you listen, do you hear your biggest fan or your biggest critic?  Because whichever you hear is who you are.  (Read that again, slowly.)

Abraham Hicks says we have a prime chance to get this thinking straight within the first 17 seconds of opening our eyes every morning.  (If you didn't click on that link just now, do yourself a favor and click on on it and watch that video every single morning for 7 days straight and then comment below and tell me what happened.)

In the first 17 seconds of each morning we have the chance to reset our thinking, to clean the slate, to push pause and reset everything.  And then we start moving, and the moving happens in our thoughts just as fast, maybe even faster, than in our bodies - and we keep moving.  Seldomly do we slow enough to listen, but I would argue that our life changes when we do.

If you slowed to listen you would hear the good and the bad.  If you slowed to listen you would ask yourself questions.  If you slowed to listen you would hear all of the answers to the questions you are asking, and more.  Granted, we sometimes hear things we don't want to hear, but that's a post for another day.  The first step to changing your life is to listen.

As soon as you open your eyes in the morning tell yourself how happy you are.  Appreciate that you woke up, the bed you are laying in, the people around you, all of the beautiful things about your life and yourself.  Do this to reset yourself.  And then, as you start to move, listen.  When you catch yourself being a critic or not being your biggest fan, reset the thought with a positive one if you can - at the very least, listen and ask yourself why.

This is the first step to one of the biggest changes you can make in your life.


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