
Anyone paying close attention right now knows that we are being invited to participate in a high practice of compassion: all of us.

If you are choosing to be cautious and trusting your body and wanting to wait and watch before getting the vaccine you are on one side of this practice.

If you are relieved to have gotten the vaccine that you trust will protect you from contagion and/or more serious symptoms/disease you are on one side of this practice.

The practice is the same no matter what side you are on: value your fellow humans as humans (this has not changed, especially if these humans are your friends, co-workers, family members...etc.), honor that each one of us has our own body and with that body comes one choice, acknowledge where you are in your truth/sovereignty and allow this to be enough without the need to shame, judge, convince or exclude, trust that you have made the right decision for you and believe in this decision so that your body/immune system can follow suit.

No matter which side of the practice you find yourself on, the practice is compassion. And, from my experience it is not an easy practice at the moment for anyone.

We are being called to a high, high practice and vibration right now...all of us. Stay with it...

I love you.




Ten Lessons in 2020: Unity Consciousness