On Being a Goddess

I live in a bubble.  A beautiful bubble of innovation, possibility, creativity, independence, abundance, freedom, free-thinking…and the list goes on and on.  I live in San Francisco, California, in one of the most progressive cities in the United States.  Most of the time this bubble inspires me, sometimes it paralyzes me and creates incredible contrast for me to see how much different the outside world is.

In my bubble, I am surrounded by divine creatures, goddesses, and strong men that support them.  Some of this is deliberate, by my choosing and aligning, and some of this is science as my personal energy and vibration changes, the like energy and vibration is attaching itself to me.

Last year while the world watched the politics of my country create a clamor of verbose opinion on both sides so loud that neither side was listening to the other, and while Spirit Rock, another heated, politically tainted, event took place I received a message from one of my dearest goddess sisters asking me why I wasn’t using my social media influence to speak about my political opinions and support the people of Spirit Rock.

It has been many, many months since receiving her text and even though her question stopped me in my tracks and her assumptions about my opinions and possible supporting of hers caused great pause for me, I am still processing my answer.

The truth is I don’t feel “political” in my heart.  The truth is that while I am a rebel, free-thinker, disruptor, creative who is forging my own way against my own thoughts of old paradigms, I don’t take the bold steps to be active with my voice about my opinions in the political arena.  The truth is I am part Cherokee and while I watched and tried to follow truth in all that I heard and read about Spirit Rock I decided to support my feelings about it in quiet ways instead of using my influence.  The truth is, my friend called me out on something I’ve been really looking at square in the eyes.

My immediate response to her was one of gratitude; gratitude that she is using her voice in this way, gratitude that she felt so passionately that she was not leaving any stone unturned to rally every sister in her tribe to join her, gratitude that she was modeling courage and tenacity and wisdom – lots of gratitude.

But the light still shines in my eyes about this, and as I am squinting my way out and now asked to step into another opportunity to use my voice and wisdom to support the Goddess Wisdom Festival movement I find myself reflecting deeply.

We are goddesses just like the sun and moon are. This is an absolute.  In each of our own experiences with this goddess-ness, as we begin to navigate it from the earliest age we are given messages, information, experiences that carve, craft, shape and carry us – some of us spend lots and lots of our lives filing in those carvings, sanding the craftsmanship, reshaping and sitting still after this sometimes sobering beginning.

Collectively, we are a sisterhood that is more detached from the sanctity of our goddess nature than ever before.  In great contrast, those of us who are awake and continue to evolve in this remembering, celebrating and honoring of a deeply sacred heritage and history of sisterhood are more passionate than ever before and maybe feeling more empowered than ever before to act on this and share it for the good of the world and humanity.

In all of this, some sisters are making a huge assumption at the detriment of the mission, and that assumption is that each of us feels empowered to use our voice when in fact some days we can’t even find our voice.  A sister, goddess, standing on the highest mountain rallying other sisters and shouting to the world in bold, beautiful, inspiring ways knows herself.  This sister, goddess, feels supported and confident.  This sister, goddess, is divine and in her truly authentic and true nature. There is nothing more beautiful to witness, and nothing more powerful in the world than this.  It is unstoppable, commanding and the epitome of everything good.

My daily practice includes being a champion for me, and some days this takes all of the energy I have.  My daily practice, minute-to-minute, is one of erasing thought patterns that are not kind to myself, and of hearing, really hearing my inner voice.  I am choosing to do this first for me, and also because I know this will help me to feel more empowered to love outside of myself in a more authentic way.  I predict this resonates with many sisters.  We have a host of conditions, other forces and even human experiences to thank for this wiring and our project of undoing it.  It takes an incredible amount of courage to even decide to delve here – not to mention energy.  Most don’t chose to as a result.

I want to support the sisters, goddesses, whose voices are soft.  I want to lift the sisters, goddesses, who are looking for love for themselves first so that they can share this love in bigger ways with the world.  I want this because I am typing from this place today, and it is a place I know.

Without a doubt the world is ready, open and softening to the possibility of more Shakti influence, without a doubt.  As the loudest goddess voices in their most divine and powerful vibration lead the way, we must not leave any sisters behind. 

My contribution to the Goddess Wisdom Festival will be a call to every divine creature to find their inner voice, to make peace with what they have to offer, to write and sing, to dance, practice, play and to sit and listen…but mostly to find a loving place within where they hear themselves clearly and they know with certainty what they stand for and what they can support with their whole heart – and to feel empowered from within to support it.


The Magic of Montalcino at Canalicchio Di Sopra


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