“It takes courage to let go of old beliefs.” - Alison Armstrong
Reflect, investigate and explore the ways in which Alpha and Omega/Masculine and Feminine present in your current dating experience and/or relationship. Is it a union,” or “balance,” or “dance?” What is the sacred union of you and how do you honor it deeply from within so that it manifests outside of you?
please read FROM “THE QUEEN’S CODE:”
Read Chapter One: “Revelations
questions for contemplation + discussion
Do you ever “out man” men? How does this look for you? Contemplate the implications for this in relationship versus supporting or “man-ing” yourself.
Is it possible for men and women to be powerful at the same time?
“It takes courage to let go of old beliefs,” It takes courage to question your own perceptions. Especially when they are validated every day by our culture.” (p. 22) What, if any, old beliefs are you or have you let go of regarding relating to men? Or around your work with the Masculine/Feminine?