“Castrating men is the foundation of Frog Farming. It is the ‘how’ of Frog Farming. The act of diminishing men and the attitude that they deserve to be diminished. Castration is how all women bring out the worst in men.” - Alison Armstrong



What is the “full scope of Omega” or Feminine for you? Are you in rage or is there an edge for you? If so, where is your edge? Can you give yourself permission to explore the full scope?

please read FROM “THE QUEEN’S CODE:”

Read Chapter Three: “Hatpins, Stilettos + Swords

questions for contemplation + discussion

Do you feel safer when men are weak? If so, what do you do to feel safer with men?

Do you know the difference between safe men and dangerous men? Do you trust yourself to discern the difference and take action based
on your discernment?

Do you still carry your sword, or have you laid your sword down (with men, and in general)? (p. 79)

“Castrating men is the foundation of Frog Farming. It is the ‘how’ of Frog Farming. The act of diminishing men and the attitude that they deserve to be diminished. Castration is how all women bring out the worst in men.” (p. 82)

How do you objectify or castrate men?

Do you feel that men compete with you rather than cherish you?

Do you feel that men are suspicious of you rather than trusting?

Do you feel that men respect you or have disdain for you?

Do you feel that men fear you rather than love you?