“You’re more feminine yet more potent. Softer but stronger.
Gentler but more real…” - Alison Armstrong
What is your personal “Permission” and how does it present in all aspects of your life?
please read FROM “THE QUEEN’S CODE:”
Read Chapter Five: “Pumpkin Hours to Desserts”
questions for contemplation + discussion
“Individuals need sex more than wanting will insure.” (p. 212) Does this resonate with you? Do you need sex more than you want it?
Partnerships need sex more than wanting will insure. How does this resonate with you? What is the true “need” in sex with partnership for you?
“You’re more feminine yet more potent. Softer but stronger. Gentler but more real…” (p. 216)
“But what if receiving is providing?” (p. 217) Meditate on this, this is an invitation for a huge shift in perception regarding receiving. How does allowing yourself to receive provide something for your partner, for the people around you?
Do you know what sex provides for your partner? Have you shared what sex provides for you?
What is your “cover charge?” Contemplate your basic “cover charge” or requirements for men to “pay” to be intimate with you: make a list, learn your list, your list is non-negotiable. Honoring your Cover Charge is an incredible act of self love - no exceptions. (p. 219)
“Too often we do not tell the other person where our boundaries are. In other words, what we need. They find out by failing to provide it and upsetting us. That is like running into a barbed wire fence. It would be kinder to let them know what we need in advance.” (p. 244)
“I’m supposed to tell a man what I need in advance?” (p. 244)
What makes you open and available for sex? What makes your partner open and available for sex? (Specific, detailed actions, etc.)
What is the best way to “get your system started” for sex? What is the best way to get your partner’s system started?
What fills your “Sexy Tank?” Make a list of the things you need in order to feel sexy or want sex, do you know this list? Do you keep your tank full? Do you know your partner’s list?
“Making a commitment to keeping her ‘Sexy Tank’ full is one of the most important things a woman can do for her lover. And letting him provide support would be one of the smartest.” (p. 221)
What are your “Pumpkin Hours?” What are your partner’s?
What are your “Signals?” What are your partner’s?
“Your ‘Signals’ are the ways in which you express a request for intimacy. They only work if the other person interprets them correctly.” (p. 223)
What is “dessert” for you? What is the perfect after care in intimacy for you? Do you know your partner’s?
Keep these terms handy and apply them if they resonate (p. 234): Sexy Tank Fillers, Pumpkin Hours, Signals, Jump Starts, Dessert and End Game
“Our desire for one another is the biggest turn on for both of us.” (p. 237)
“When we resonate with a person at a significantly deeper level than instinct, we are compelled to tell the truth and reveal our real selves.” (p. 242) Meditate on this, does it resonate with you? How has this been true or not in your lived experience?