Hey Cutie! You found the Secret Shop GAIN ACCESS HERE Secret Shop Access Name * First Name Last Name Are you currently working with Patricia? * Yes! No Email * Can you tell me why you'd like access to the SECRET SHOP? * How did you hear about the SECRET SHOP? * From Patricia's Direct Email or Invitation From another sister Just stumbled upon it YOUR REQUEST IS ON ITS WAY…Thank you for your request to enter the SECRET SHOP. This SECRET SHOP is available to sisters already on the path with Patricia. If you have worked with her in any capacity before the end of December 2022 you can expect to receive access to the SECRET SHOP in a personal email follow-up to this request.LOVING YOU IN THE MEANTIME! “And above all, watch with glittering eyes the whole world around you because the greatest secrets are always hidden in the most unlikely places. Those who don't believe in magic will never find it.”― Roald Dahl