112 days of


The Way to Me is Through Her…

This beloved text of 112 sutras and guiding practices is a rich body of work to inspire us to deepen into our human, lived experience. The Radiance Sutras will guide this
112 day journey. You are invited to go at your own pace.

“The senses declare an outrageous world —
Sounds and scents, ravishing colors and shapes,
Ever-changing skies, iridescent reflections —
All these beautiful surfaces
Decorating vibrant emptiness,
The god of love is courting you,
Light as a feather.

Every perception is an invitation into revelation.
Hearing, seeing, smelling, tasting, touching —
Ways of knowing creation,
Transmissions of electric realization.
The deeper reality is always right here.

Encircled by splendor, in the center of the sphere,
Meditate where the body thrills
To currents of intimate communion.
Follow your senses to the end and beyond
Into the heart of space.
- Sutra 9

What You Can Expect…

This journey will change you, it will infuse you with the love of spirit and devotion, it will inspire you to deepen into your lived experience and take notice of your life in poetic and sacred ways: transforming the simplest aspects of your daily life into beauty.

This journey is a sacred one, for those spirits who feel called into the temple of themselves…answer this call and join me.

“I will never have the words to express my immense gratitude to Patricia for her time, care, wisdom, space holding and absolute heart in this journey of 112 Days of Radiance. I found myself during this journey, there were days I didn’t want to continue, days I cried and cried, and many days where I felt myself and my heart for the very first time. What a gift this journey is, the practices are so beautiful, and the book has become one of my all-time favorites. I will return to these practices again and again - to myself, to my heart. Thank you.” - Anne

This Self-Study Journey Includes…

  • 112 Daily Sutra Musings + Inspiration

  • 112 Daily Guided Meditation + Devotional Practices

  • Affirmations, Mantras + Positive Musings

  • Access to the Sutra + Devotional Spotify Playlists for Practices

  • Your Personal Mantra for Our Journey

  • Journal Prompts to Inspire Deeper Contemplation

  • Access to the 112 Days of Radiance Instagram Account

  • Access to the 112 Days of Radiance Facebook Group

112 Days of Radiance

“That ache in your heart is holy.”

Be enchanted by Lorin Roche’s poetic translation of the Vijnana Bhairava Tantric text, “a sacred exchange between the divine masculine as Shiva, and the divine feminine
as Shakti.” this is an invitation to join me for 112 days of guided meditation practices inspired by this sacred text.