“What you settle for is determined by your fear.” - David Deida
Week TWO: Love + fear
Becoming intimate with your capacity to hold discomfort of all kinds in your nervous system and transmute this into love (an opening)
will be the focus of this week.
please read from dear lover
Chapters 7 + 8
please be prepared to share
Contemplate the quote above from Dear Lover. If this quote is true, what are you settling for?
questions for contemplation + discussion
What is your greatest fear related to love? Can you see how this fear might be keeping you from opening to love fully? If so, how?
What blocks or restrictions do you have which cause you to close or disconnect instead of opening in love?
Contemplate what your sexual essence is (Masculine or Feminine), what role does this sexual essence play for you in your unique expression of opening?
If you could remove one fear that you have in your life what would it be and why?
Make a list of the fears that keep you from opening and/or staying open in your life. Contemplate how you can transmute each fear into love: journal your responses/process.