“your openness can be felt by everyone.” - David Deida, Dear Lover

Week twelve: staying open

We end our circle and this softening journey with a celebration of our openness, a look back at where we started, and a solid idea of what exact things we need to do,
be, have, need…both within and without, to stay open.


please read from dear lover

Chapters 27-29

please be prepared to share

Your response to the vow: “I vow to stay open.” Can you take this vow in our circle this week and stay disciplined to practice opening as love in everything you do from this moment on?

questions for contemplation + discussion

Contemplate your progress on this journey, your response to our text, your calibration of openness. Where are you today? Be detailed.

Are there any sticky areas or sticking points where your work will continue beyond this circle in devotion to the practice and discipline of opening and of love? If so, what are they? Make a list and set an intention to stay with it. In your last Friday with Pat ask her to hold you accountable in the way you desire most.

Write a heart-felt testimonial of your time in this journey of OPEN. Write another testimonial of your work on your unique journey of SOFTENING; perhaps this “testimonial” will take the form of a poem, a song, a love letter, a letter of thanks, a forgiveness practice… Share this publicly as an expression of your open/love this week.

Choose one sister in this circle to call, text or send a voice note to this week with a heart-felt message of something you witnessed in her during this journey; tell her how much you love her, thank her for her generosity in sharing her path with you, show her your heart.

How open are you right now?