“you are either disciplining your body to open as love’s art or you are encasing your heart in shells of habit.” - David Deida, Dear Lover
Week Three: setting an intention
Being intentional with our desire to open is incredibly powerful and an important part of the sacred practice of dropping into this energy, and maintaining it as a practice and ultimately an art form or constant essence/expression. This week we will set our intentions and light them on fire; they will become our mantras for the rest of our journey together.
please read from dear lover
Chapters 9-12
For the days leading up to our circle, keep careful track of the daily habits you have which cause you to intentionally or unintentionally open or close. Prepare one solid intention you plan to set for the rest of this journey to practice your way into a deeper opening rather than continuing to close or be in a certain habit. Come with this intention written on a piece of paper for this week. And come with one habit you have which keeps you closed that you would like to burn away this week.
please be prepared to share
questions for contemplation + discussion
Contemplate the power of intention in your life: are you living your life or is your life living you?
What is the one intention you set above that you would like to focus on which will keep your heart opening to love? Why is this intention so important to you?
Name the shells you have which keep your heart safe and/or closed or make you feel ‘better’ in a state of separation versus living fully open.
Are you participating in acts of habit or offerings of art mostly in your life? Is this important to you? Why or why not?
“You attract and inspire from the openness that you are,” what are you currently attracting and/or inspiring in your life? Are you happy with this? Why or why not?