“your fullest form of inspiration is worship.” - David Deida, Dear Lover

Week four: permission + parameters

With our unique definition of open and our deep intentional desire to take action, we will feel called to set the permission and parameters for this opening:
to feel safe, to set boundaries, and to create the space for deep, deep, wide open expansion.


please read from dear lover

Chapters 13 + 14

please be prepared to share

The exact road map to the deepest, most open area of your heart. Please take liberty with how you create and share this this week.

questions for contemplation + discussion

This week’s circle challenge is to stay single while reading these chapters. Each time Deida mentions something regarding an outside man or partner, apply this to your own inner landscape (inner masculine for example). When he says, “trusting your man to open you” how can you do this within first?

If it’s true that we attract our reciprocal energy (in general) what exact energy are you attracting? And, how does opening relate to this if it does?

Find the edge of your heart and/or open where it may be impossible or nearly impossible for “a man” to open you. Can you go straight into that place in you and sit with it for a moment and describe it in detail?

What parameters or permission do you personally have with regard to your heart, to opening to love, to being love, to love in general?

What happens when someone tries to open you and they don’t have your permission?