“you will attract in a man, and evoke in your man, the depth of worship corresponding to your offering.” - David Deida, Dear Lover

Week five: radical acceptance

Many times what our heart is called upon to transmute is dark and dense; both within and without. This week we will sit with all of this and resource the unique tools within us to find an even deeper capacity to open. Forgiveness, grace, humility, surrender…these will be some of the tools we will discuss.


please read from dear lover

Chapters 15-18

please be prepared to share

Lead us through one of your daily practices of opening as love, or show us your unique “force of attraction” with an example. (Force of attraction IN THE WORLD, as opening to love…not ‘just’ in relationship.)

questions for contemplation + discussion

Contemplate the partners you’ve had in the past; did chapter 15 “Why Men Hold Back” give you any new awareness that you are meditating on or curious about? If so, deepen in here.

Are you proud of the choices you’ve made in past partners, in men, in opening and staying open when you have? Why or why not? What changes can be made so that you feel better about the choice? Is there radical acceptance for all of it?

How does Deida’s wisdom about the nuance of energy in relationship help you to open? Or does it trigger you?

What kind of touch can open you? Be specific.

It takes practice to stay open: consider a recent situation with someone (anyone, not just a partner) where it would have been easier to close or create space or separation (and maybe this is what happened); can you apply Deida’s wisdom from these chapters to help you see how to stay open? Is this accessible to you?