“it takes practice and courage to stay open.” - David Deida, Dear Lover

Week eleven: conflict + being a rebel

This week we take inventory of the conflict (in the world and in each sister’s energy field) and hold space for how easy it is to respond with like energy,
offering (opening with) compassion to those who do. Transmuting every bit of darkness into love. We take another vow to be the “rebel”
and love boldly, especially in places where love does not exist.


please read from dear lover

Chapter 26

please be prepared to share

Identify one place that you witness in your life where love does not exist. (This can be a very intimate/personal space or something that exists in the collective that you witness.) Share your plan for how you will open as love/practice opening with this teacher, mirror, container, space, experience, collective…

questions for contemplation + discussion

Do you close yourself/your heart, armor up, guard yourself, constrict in any situations or with certain types of people? If so, make a detailed list of the exact sources of your closure and/or separation.

Meditate on your list. Identify the items on your list which you can offer love to with the discernment of distance and energetic separation. Identify the items on your list which you can practice opening to/focusing your opening as love to the Divine part of this source rather than the rub. What would this take? What’s left? Look at the list that’s left, is this list keeping you from the deepest opening and/or expression of love you yearn to be? What needs to happen to release these in order to open as you desire?

If your truth, your yearning, your heart’s deepest desire is to BE the LOVE that you are, to OPEN as the LOVE that you ARE, to EXPRESS the LOVE that you ARE as LIVING ART, can you stay in this truth in times of discomfort? Can you allow yourself to be unwavering in it? So solid that no amount of conflict or darkness effects your opening, your loving, your expression, your art?

Name one situation that you cannot love or open to no matter what.

Name one person you cannot forgive no matter what.