“offer your deepest yearning in every moment.” - David Deida, Dear Lover
Week eight: yearning + desire
This week we focus on the feminine gifts of yearning and desire and we contemplate ways we can apply these gifts to our unique frequency of opening.
please read from dear lover
Chapter 22
please be prepared to share
Do you trust your own heart’s deepest yearning? Give serious contemplation to this question. What is your heart’s deepest yearning? Do you trust this or is there part of you that is filled with doubt about receiving it? Come ready to share your heart with us.
Or…prepare a unique expression of your heart’s deepest desire to share with the circle.
questions for contemplation + discussion
What is the difference between “yearning,” and “desire?” Can you put this into words, into a poem, into something unique that expresses the difference for you?
Do you yearn or feel desire so boldly that others can feel it too? Or do you keep your yearning and desires to yourself? How can you begin to express these as part of your unique expression of opening as love (the gift of the Feminine) if this is something that inspires you?
Name a time when you yearned in public, or expressed a desire in public, what was the desire or yearning and what was the outcome? (Caution: there’s a difference between BEING the yearning/desire and PERFORMING the yearning/desire.)
Make a detailed list of the man you yearn for, the man you desire. Even if you are in partnership; come to a neutral, centered, heart place and make your list.