““When she feels weak, a prayerful woman goes on her knees
and speaks to the King of all Kings, because she knows her place of victory.” ― Gift Gugu Mona
WEEK TWO: frog farming (knights, princes + kings)
This week is about humility; a beautiful quality of the Feminine. We will explore what it means to be humble; the grace, compassion and love that accompanies this. We will revisit “frog farming” from this angle, and contemplate the various stages of The Masculine: Knights, Princes + Kings with our felt sense and a deeper ‘place’ of devotion within this sacred union. And, we will also consider this question: Does the feminine “rise” in any way?
daily practice for this week:
On Your Knees - There are two ways of looking at this practice: one is very practical and includes a devotional practice of literally getting on your knees daily and becoming the prayer in a full body mudra of humility and devotion. The second is figuratively; how will you get “on your knees” in all aspects of your life? (Putting something or everything above you…)
GO DEEPER: Take yourself to a sacred place for this practice this week; how does being in this sacred place change the quality of the practice for you? If you’d like to add devotional music to your practice this week you can find my personal playlist on Spotify right HERE.
where will you place your devotion this week?
“There is no journey of the Feminine without devotion.” Each week I will be asking you to share where you will be placing your devotion for the week. You have three choices: Your Higher Self, on God/The Divine (as you call it), or on The Masculine.
felt sense for the week:
Each week we will focus our attention on the practice of allowing ourselves to be felt. For many of us this practice includes learning to articulate how we feel in any given moment, and learning to trust our bodies to tell us how we feel, and having the courage to take action (mas)/or move (fem) from here. The very first step to this forever practice is allowing ourselves to FEEL, so that we can feel it and trust it for ourselves. Be prepared to enter our circle this week by sharing how you are arriving, in a felt sense.
This week I invite you to FEEL: Humility, Humble, Devotional, Soft, Open and Surrender
altar + tools:
Each week I will be inviting you to consider the ways you incorporate the Feminine element of “the sacred” into your life; this is completely, uniquely YOUR way. I will be sharing things each week to inspire you, please find your own ways to deepen in here and I hope that you will share these during our journey so that we may be inspired by you and your practices.
This week I invite you to BE CURIOUS ABOUT:
Your idea of “an altar” and if you feel inspired, please create an altar that will represent this full journey. If you already have an altar, please consider placing something on it that represents your focus for this week.
Consider the “tools” you have to practice and/or to add “the sacred” into your life: candles, rituals, ceremonies, oils, prayers, affirmations, tinctures, cards, crystals… (If this is something you need guidance with please let me know and we can muse together on our Friday call.)
questions for contemplation + discussion
How does it feel to be “on your knees?” What comes up for you? What do you feel? What do you hear your mind saying? Is there a sense of feeling “at home” or a remembrance? Does this feel sticky for you or do you experience resistance of any kind?
Revisit Alison’s definition of these three types of men: Knights, Princes and Kings. How might we apply this week’s practice to each type of man? What happens in your system at the thought of bowing to each?
What resonance is there for how these men have shown up for you in your life? (Mostly Knights? Mostly Princes? Mostly Kings?) What do we know now about our energy (as within) that likely attracted the energy of each type (as without)?
How does this clarify your lens or give you better awareness for interacting with men in general?
How does a Queen respond in partnership to each of these men? What is/are the key component(s) we ‘must’ possess and/or practice no matter who He is?
Can you create a devotional practice for these men in your life? What does it look like? (Is there any forgiveness or letting go to be done for past men, how do you devote to the current man? Is there a practice you can do now for the future man?)
Revisit the idea of Frog Farming. Based on where you are now, and the invitation of this week’s practice, what would be the opposite of Frog Farming?
Be prepared to share how you feel about this practice for the week and how you plan to integrate it.