"We have two ears and one mouth, so we should listen more than we say.” ― Zeno of Citium
WEEK SEVEN: listening to learn
We now know that it’s not about agreeing or disagreeing, and we understand better what factors contribute to a men’s opinions; using this wisdom we will deepen into the beautiful practice of listening to learn. Our intention this week is to activate the energy of allure and attuning through listening: are there ways to attune and/or be more alluring through “listening to learn?” What does allure mean for you? How do you attune to your environment and/or people in it?
daily practice for this week:
Listen + Dance - The very ‘pure’ and simple practice for this week is to LISTEN. Can you spend the whole week listening more than participating (speaking, giving, presenting, offering, fixing, working, doing…)? How does the world sound when you do this? Can you cultivate a greater capacity for listening so that when you apply the “listening to learn” you are a brilliant listener? The second practice for this week is to DANCE. Move your body intuitively, use a favorite song or playlist, do this practice each morning to get into your body, to feel your allure, to listen to your body…What do you FEEL and what do you HEAR and LEARN?
BONUS: Do you remember the invitation to blindfold yourself and dance during the Honoring Your Inner King work? I introduced you to the Balinese practice called Latihan Kejiwaan; a spiritual practice of listening and waiting to hear spirit and then allowing spirit to move through you…I’m bringing this back for this week as a bonus and the playlist for this practice is HERE.
where will you place your devotion this week?
“There is no journey of the Feminine without devotion.” Each week I will be asking you to share where you will be placing your devotion for the week. You have three choices: Your Higher Self, on God/The Divine (as you call it), or on The Masculine.
felt sense for the week:
Each week we will focus our attention on the practice of allowing ourselves to be felt. For many of us this practice includes learning to articulate how we feel in any given moment, and learning to trust our bodies to tell us how we feel, and having the courage to take action (mas)/or move (fem) from here. The very first step to this forever practice is allowing ourselves to FEEL, so that we can feel it and trust it for ourselves. Be prepared to enter our circle this week by sharing how you are arriving, in a felt sense.
This week I invite you to FEEL: Patience, Presence, Allure, Opening, Softening + Love
altar + tools:
Each week I will be inviting you to consider the ways you incorporate the Feminine element of “the sacred” into your life; this is completely, uniquely YOUR way. I will be sharing things each week to inspire you, please find your own ways to deepen in here and I hope that you will share these during our journey so that we may be inspired by you and your practices.
This week I invite you to BE CURIOUS ABOUT:
Your idea of “an altar” and if you feel inspired, please create an altar that will represent this full journey. If you already have an altar, please consider placing something on it that represents your focus for this week.
Consider the “tools” you have to practice and/or to add “the sacred” into your life: candles, rituals, ceremonies, oils, prayers, affirmations, tinctures, cards, crystals… (If this is something you need guidance with please let me know and we can muse together on our Friday call.)
questions for contemplation + discussion
Name some of the opinions men have that at first glance might put you off but after this wisdom you have a better understanding.
Can you share a personal experience of listening to learn from a recent encounter with a man in your life?
Are you able to let go of the idea of agreeing or not with a man when you are listening?
What does listening WITH YOUR HEART mean to you? How does this feel when it’s happening (for you and the person speaking)?
What does the word “allure” mean to you? Do you feel alluring? Why or why not?
Explore the possibility of using listening to learn to ‘attune’ to the person you are listening to, what comes up for you in this situation?
How can you become more alluring through the practice of listening to learn?